You Can Prevent Or Reverse Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes!

Diabetes Solutions offers pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes management/reversal services.

Ways That I Can Help You…

Learn Ways To Control Blood Sugar Better

Better blood sugar control and management can help the disease worsening – as well as preventing spikes, improving energy levels benefitting your wellbeing.

Develop A Better Relationship With Food

The key to effective type 2 diabetes management is to develop a basic knowledge and understanding of nutrition, and of how the food you eat impacts your body. We’ll work on that together.

Lose Weight Without Dieting

Excess weight is often an issue associated with type 2 diabetes, and if excess weight is an issue I can help you to lose it through your diet, and NOT through ‘dieting!

Restore Your Energy Levels

Lack of energy is often a problem with Type 2 diabetes, and if that’s a problem for you, we will find natural ways to boost your energy and regain your ‘va-va’voom’!

Help You To Generally Feel Better

Once you begin to improve your diet and bring your blood sugars under control, you will almost certainly feel better – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Improve Your Mindset And Habits

Sustainable results begin with the way you think, so we will work on improving your mindset whilst at the same time working on developing better habits. Your habits and mindset are critical.

Improve Your Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is a frequent casualty of type 2 diabetes, and poor sleep can then lead on to other health issues. Let’s work on improving your sleep quality together.

Reduce The Risk Of Heart Health Problems

Type 2 diabetes can have a big impact on the cardiovascular system, in some cases contributing to stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Let’s reduce that risk!

Reduce The Risk Of Eye Health Problems

A leading cause of blindness, type 2 diabetes can cause lots of other sight issues. We all value our eyesight, so let’s work to reduce the risk of eye issues for you!

Reduce The Risk Of Kidney Health Problems

Advanced type 2 diabetes can put a huge strain on the kidneys and can lead to kidney damage in the long term. Controlling blood sugars can reduce the risks.

Sessions From The Comfort Of Your Home

All sessions are conducted virtually via Zoom, from the comfort of your own home. I perfected virtual sessions during 2020, and have found them to be as effective as face to face sessions.

No Geographic Limits -Worldwide Coverage

Embracing virtual sessions has broken down the geographical barriers that once limited my ability to help people. Wherever you are in the UK. Europe or the rest of the world, I can help you!

Why Use My Services?

I Have Been Where You Currently Are, I Know How It Feels To Live With Type 2 Diabetes

My experience is personal as well as professional. My knowledge isn’t just academic, I have lived with type 2 diabetes and seen for myself the benefits of dealing with the disease – and would like to help you too!

I Am Qualified In Nutrition And Type 2 Diabetes Management

I became qualfied in nutrition in 2014 and – given my personal journey with the disease – chose to specialise in helping people with Type 2 Diabetes shortly afterwards. That’s why I am a trusted resource in dealing with Type 2.

My Programmes Are Effective And Sustainable, As Previous Clients Testify

I have helped countless people over the years to deal with their pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and it would be great to have the opportunity to help you too! Check out my testimonials here.

I Care About You As A Person, And Will Support You Every Step Of The Way

Beyond everything else, I have empathy and passion for my clients. Yes, we have work to do but I never forget the human touch and care very much about supporting you every step of the way on your journey.

A Bit About Me…

I am Neil D’Silva, Founder of Diabetes Solutions and a Type 2 Diabetes nutritionist offering pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes management and reversal services.

I am also best-selling author of the KISSS Plan – the 4-step guide to prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes!

I lost my father to undiagnosed Type 2 Diabetes in early August 2012, and later that month was diagnosed with the disease myself (as well as high blood pressure and high cholesterol).

Whilst I am not against pharmacuetical drugs, I wanted to find a better way to deal with the problem – to tackle the cause and not just take drugs to deal with the symptoms.

And so, after dealing with my own health issues and reversing my own Type 2 Diabetes, I became a qualified nutritionist and Type 2 Diabetes specialist – and ‘Diabetes Solutions’ was born.

I now spend my time helping others that want to embark on the same journey of improving their diet, health and energy levels, and enjoying a better quality of life.

If that situation sounds familiar and resonates with you, and you are interested in some 1-2-1 help from me, then click on the green button below and book in a free 15 minute, no-obligation call with me.

You can find out a bit more about my story here.

"Neil has a lot of knowledge on the subject of nutrition and its impact on blood sugar levels. His suggestions on diet changes, and a holistic approach to lifestyle changes really resonated with me. I am now following Neil's advice diligently and really looking forward to my next HBA1c test."

Rachan Srinivas

“My blood glucose levels are now right in the middle of the normal range. I’m most unlikely now to get diabetes”

Paul Clark


“My HBA1C has dropped to a more acceptable level”

Jim Albert


“I would recommend anyone who is looking to improve and hopefully conquer their diabetes to not think twice about speaking with Neil”

Mark Rosindale


“My blood pressure is well under control, my cholesterol levels are low and my blood sugar levels have fallen dramatically. I recently had my annual diabetic review and my doctors have stated that if in six months time my levels are as they are presently they will take me off all medication”

Ian Stedman


“I am no longer pre diabetic and have reduced my blood pressure meds. My GP is impressed with my progress, has been fully supportive and endorsed his sensible programme”

Julie Richardson


"Neil is the Tony Robbins of the nutrition world, a powerhouse of information who never gives up, works differently and will only work after qualifying his clients are ready for change."

Petrina Baldwin

“I’m in all round better health and most important of all my blood pressure and blood sugar levels are now normal”

Sandra Neale


In less than one week I will be doing something I haven’t done in many years. I will be visiting my GP practice for my routine blood sugar testing, but unlike most visits, there will be no fear or trepidation. Instead I will be there safe in the knowledge that my blood sugar will be lowered and I will not feel embarrassed or angry with myself.

Ann Broadhead


The KISSS Plan Book

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Type 2 Diabetes Nutritionist offering pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes management and reversal.

Type 2 Diabetes Nutritionist. Pre-Diabetes reversal. Type 2 Diabetes prevention. Type 2 Diabetes Management. Type 2 Diabetes reversal. Diabetes expert. Diabetes help. Diabetes nutritionist. Diabetes reversal. Diabetes specialist. Diabetes support. Pre Diabetes help. Pre Diabetes nutritionist. Reverse Diabetes . Reverse pre Diabetes . Reverse type 2 Diabetes . Type 2 Diabetes coach. Type 2 Diabetes expert. Type 2 Diabetes guidance. Type 2 Diabetes help. Type 2 Diabetes nutritionist. Type 2 Diabetes specialist. Type 2 Diabetes support.